Monday, September 30, 2019

Human Resources and Industrial Relations in the Public Sector Essay

INTRODUCTION Industrial relations is concerned with the relationship between management and workers and the role of the regulatory mechanism in resolving any industrial dispute. It covers areas such as collective bargaining, trade unions and the government. Human resource management (HRM), which has a soft approach (people friendly) and a hard approach (people as a resource to be used as seen fit by the organization), could be summarized as a strategic approach to managing employees. The role of industrial relations has been diminished to some extent in Trinidad and Tobago with the implementation of human resource management practices and policies. However some of the aspects of the traditional public sector model and the environment it was planted in has survived till now, which affects the implementation and success of new public management. LITERATURE REVIEW â€Å"Comparative Industrial Relations: An Introduction to Cross National Perspectives† by Bean 1994 states, Dunlops prescription of the advancement of knowledge in IR is the need to break away from the restrictive and myopic confines of problem solving, institutional studies with individual countries- what has been termed ‘ethno-centric’ bias- in favor of border comparisons over the course of time and across countries. He postulated that the systems theory was applicable to study comparative industrial relations. Haworth 1991 however states that the systems theory fails to explain how the pattern of industrial relations has developed in Third World countries. The industrial relations system responds to social political and economic change  whereby actors (mainly management) usually have a number of responses they can make, therefore there is the existence of discretion in decision making which will in turn affect industrial relations. Kochan et al 1984. Zeitlin 1987 states, industrial relations can best be explained not by the social and economic structure but by historical divergences in institutional development resulting from the strategies and organizations of the state, trade unions and employers. This book basically deals with comparative industrial relations where research is done on similar phenomena taking place in different countries. Poole 1986 highlights four principles for this research to be done, 1. Focus on environmental influences coming from the societal processes and structures. 2. Multi-disciplinary perspectives incorporating social, political and economic aspects. 3. Explanatory variables as opposed to descriptive categories. 4. Utilizing the historical as well as contemporary dimension. Trade unions are institutional representatives of worker interests within the labour market and the society. It is collective rather than individual â€Å"concerted behavior is the essence of modern trade uni onism†, (Ulman 1990) He also spoke of the ‘individualizing’ of industrial relations into human resource management. Industrial Relations and Globalization: Challenges for Employers and their Organizations†, a document prepared by David Macdonald (1997) states that during the period of the 1990’s there were new demands of international competition and dramatic advances in technology. Globalization had also changed the nature and operation of the ‘market place’ and production in many countries across the world. Considerable demands were placed on employers and enterprises thus new structures, processes and strategies were required to be implemented. Within the enterprise, industrial Relations (IR) plays a very strategic role and many changes much be made to the traditional practices and human resource Management (HRM). This new approach attempts to improve flexibility and skills of the workforce which would seek to improve various aspects within the workplace such as trust and communication between managers and workers etc. David’s paper focuses on industrial relations trends and developments in Asia and the Pacific with special attention paid to the challenges organizations and employers are to be faced with. The paper also observes the changing nature of industrial relations and its development as influenced by the forces of globalization, liberalization as  well as the historical and current factors which influence the relations in the region. He defines industrial relations as the means by which various interests in the labour market are accommodated, primarily for the purpose of regulating employment relationships. Industrial relations are therefore concerned with relationships within the workplace and in the organization at all levels. These relationships are expressed through collective bargaining, involvement of workers in decision making etc. Traditionally, industrial relations was to achieve collective outcomes at a national and/or sector/industry levels which are then applied to each enterprise. Human Resource Management is different as it focuses directly at the level of the enterprise seeking to align interests of workers both individually and in groups, managers for the purpose of corporate objectives, seeking to accomplish a competitive advantage in the marketplace. In the book ‘Understanding Work and Employment: Industrial relations in Transition’ looked at the contribution and challenges of human resource management to industrial relations. Due to ‘high commitment management’, human resource management (HRM) is seen to be replacing trade unions. Traditionally, personnel was seen as a subset of IR but in the 1980’s, employee relations evolved to IR being a part of HRM. Eight main issues of HRM to IR were identified as being a change of focus from a sociology perspective to a psychology perspective, a move from pluralism to unitarism, a stress on management as the main actors in the industrial relations system, an emphasis on business strategy and ‘fit’ between policies, the application of the resource based view of the firm to employee relations, the influence of high commitment management and the challenge of the psychological contract view to the understanding of employment contract. Industrial relations had its share of hardship as it journeyed to succession. Historians and novelists acknowledged the drastic changed made in the British society which came about during the industrial revolution. Karl Polanyi described the excruciating changes which took place as feudal societies transformed to an industrialized state. He identified that â€Å"the effects on the lives of people were awful beyond description† (Polanyi 1957, 76). Also stated was: In disposing of a man’s labor power the system would, incidentally, dispose of the physical, psychological, and moral entity â€Å"man† attached to the tag. Robbed of the protective covering of cultural institutions, human beings would perish from the effects of social exposure; they would die as the victims of acute social dislocation through vice, perversion, crime and starvation†¦. No society could stand the effects of such a system of crude fictions even for the shortest stretch of time unless human and natural substances, as well as its business organization, were protected against the ravages of this satanic mill. (Polanyi 1957, 73). Polanyi stated that the negativity that the industrial revolution faces was not much of poor conditions under which individuals live or worked but rather the displacements faced by employees whom are no longer under the protection of cultural institutions. Employment relations and the social sciences by Hills revealed that there is a link between industrial relations and the discipline of social sciences. Steven M. Hills also extended the search of systems analysis by Dunlop where he established a structure to put in order the variety of concepts, of which many never was fully known, which comprise the study of industrial relations. Hills, in his explanation for choosing the employment relationship rather than labor union as his reference point, are because his attention was focused on the controls that govern employer-employee relationships. Understanding these controls is an important aspect in order to express appreciation toward the underlying forces of industrial relations systems according to Hills. He also shows the closeness these controls impose by the government, labor unions and social classes. In Hills analysis, he showed the difficulties faced in all employment relationships, whether they are well-thought-out as pre-industrial, industrial or alleged â€Å"post-industrial† citizens where unions are strong, weak or nonexistent. TRADITIONAL IR SYSTEM INCLUDING DISCUSSION OF THE TRADITIONAL PUBLIC SECTOR MODEL Industrial relations produces and organizes knowledge, it is unique and has its own theories, concepts, techniques, practices and ideological commitments. Industrial relations was born in the United Stated in the 1910’s. It was a reaction to the waste, human suffering, the social injustice as well as the employer- power in the nineteenth and early  twentieth century capitalism. It also arose because it was viewed that relations between bosses and workers could be improved. Industrial relations in terms of academia is the study of labor problems but gave priority to specific areas like a strategy or institution for solving problems for example the trade unions or collective bargaining. The early version of industrial relations emphasized inherent conflict of interest which exist between the employer and employee, that there is superior bargaining power of the employer and the autocratic nature of workplace governance in the traditional firm. With the globalization of industrial relations there was the spread of industrialism, market economics, trade union movements, protection of human rights and political democracy. There was a decline in industrial relations because of the decrease in trade union density, major forma of labour unrest, political power in many countries, the rise in human resource management, the rise in neo-liberalism, national and world politics etc. Industrial relations is centered around fostering stability, efficiency cooperation, peace and positivity. In the 1960’s there began to be a slow decline in industrial relations. There was a narrowing of the intellectual domain and the field was becoming marginalized. Numerous universities in the 1990’s dropped the term ‘Industrial Relations’ and adopted ‘employment relations’ or ‘human resources’. Over the years industrial relations had made attempts to establish itself as a self- contained academic dis cipline but continued to fail (Kaufman 2004). There was the shrinking role of collective bargaining as well. The traditional industrial relations model is concerned with a particular set of phenomena associated with regulating the human activity of employment. It focuses on the implementation of rules within the work place and factors outside of the work place which influences the process. It is concerned with collective bargaining, trade unions, employers, managers and payments. John Dunlop originated the systems approach to industrial relations which is basically an integrative model which seeks to provide tools of analysis to interpret and gain an understanding and how and why particular rules are established in particular Industrial Relations systems and how and why they change in response to changes which affect the system. John Dunlop (1991) applied the systems theory which embodies a set of actors, rules, context and ideology. Flanders (1979) and the Oxford Approach defined industrial relations as the  study of institutions of job regulation. Flanders states that the institution and job regulation can be categorized into the internal and external factors; he insists that collective bargaining is central to the industrial relations system. Flanders agreed with Dunlop (1958) that rules are also essential but continued that rules are only a generic description which can be given to these various instruments of regulation. Heyman (1957) a critic of industrial relations scholars agrees that rules are a mandatory aspect as well. He however, criticizes the Oxford school and Dunlop for not acknowledging the importance of informal rules in the industrial relations system. Heyman (1975) takes the view of the Marxist perspective and views industrial relations as the process of control over work relations, or as the political economy of waged labour. The three perspectives of industrial relations are as follows: the Marxist perspective, the unitary perspective and the pluralist perspective. Fox agrees that industrial relations provided the foundation for Human Resource Management. Concepts and practice of industrial relations are as follows, collective bargaining, trade unions, models of trade unions, the voluntarist tradition, compulsory system and the adversary system. The first four decades of the 1930’s in the English- speaking Caribbean was dominated by political unionism. The shift was largely influenced by globalization. There was rapid expansion of enterprises in almost all aspects. The three phases which affects the Caribbean’s history were, the colonial phase and the colonial administrator, the post- colonial phase and the globalization phase. There was a social division between labour and capital in Trinidad and Tobago. During the 1930’s Trinidad and Tobago suffered the effects of the worldwide depression. There were unjust labour practices and the wages were exceptionally low. The colonial era in Trinidad and Tobago was basically one in where there was unilateralism in rule making by employers, voluntarism and non-involvement of the state and there was the social and economic exploitation of the people. During the post-colonial eras, there was the adversarial system, state control, it was pluralist to a certain extent and was unitary. ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS The globalization period brought drastic changes to the public sector and  industrial relations. There were structural adjustment programs, free trade, foreign aid, investment as well as reforms in the labour market. Gray (1998) describes globalization as the worldwide spread of modern technologies of industrial production and communication of all kinds. The consequence was that solutions for the contemporary Caribbean were no longer the same as the ones in the past. There was a missing link and a burning need for a Human resource management approach to step in. It was the approach where â€Å"a human workplace† menaing â€Å"the company looks after their employees and the employees look after their company. The human resource management function was now an integral part of management. It can be said that the role of industrial relations, policies and practices have diminished in comparison to the earlier years under the traditional model after human resource management was introduced. During the 1930’s in Trinidad and Tobago, the industrial relations paradigm was quite dominant. There was a severity in struggle with respect to the working class as the country had experienced periods of enslavement and indentureship, workers had no rights and there was no place for grievances. This period was controlling and dominant and there was the Royal Commission of Lord Moyne (1938) which was to investigate the labour and social conditions in the British West Indian Colonies. In Trinidad and Tobago there was hardly any political representation and all power and responsibility was centered on the governor. Trade unions had to fight for political and social status, industrial politics political unionism and trade unions- based political parties are rooted in the tradition of Caribbean societies. This legacy has continued even until today in the Trinidad and Tobago public sector. However, it is safe to say that the implementation of human resource management policies and practice has reduced the influence and popularity of industrial relations to the public sector and society as a whole. With the implementation of various departments in organizations, including human resource departments, managers are taking are not only reducing the need for certain aspects of industrial relations but also deal with problems. Therefore the connection between employee and the trade union or government organizations are being wiped out. This may be because it fosters an environment that shows the employee that the organization cares, but may also reduce the chance of negative stories or problem leaking outside of the organization, preventing bad  reputations from being created. Human Resource Management includes conducting job analyses, planning personnel needs, recruiting the right people for the job, orienting and training, managing wages and salaries, providing benefits and incentives, evaluating performance, resolving disputes, and communicating with all employees at all levels. Examples of core qualities of HR management are extensive knowledge of the industry, leadership, and effective negotiation skills. Human resource management is formerly called personnel management. Although ‘high commitment’ as stated by some scholars, it reaps the most rewards for the organization itself. CONCLUSION Human resource management is seen as the new way forward. Industrial relations still has a connotation of trade union struggles and equality battles. Industrial relations still play a major role in organizations in Trinidad and Tobago. While human resource management is increasingly dealing with the issues and concerns of employees, there is still a need for government intervention. At the conciliation unit of the Ministry of Labour, Small and Micro Enterprise Development Limited, there are a thousand trade disputes reported on average per year. When management may be the problem, industrial relations and its components are of use. However, HRM is still a developing concept in Trinidad and Tobago. HRM could be seen as a developed country’s take on employee relations and Trinidad and Tobago is still developing. Aspects of the traditional public sector still exist. Since industrial relations still play a major role in Trinidad and Tobago society, it would be wise to adopt a more employee relations approach. In the past, HRM was not entirely successful in Trinidad and Tobago. It is still a relatively new concept and field to the developing world. Due to the circumstances and nature of Trinidad and Tobago, HRM may not be the best policy to implement in society at this time. Human Resource Management can also pose as a challenge for Industrial relations as it can undermine the role of trade unions at enterprise level. Realistically however, human resource management and industrial relations policies and practices can be harmonized to benefit each other. As society changes and more are demanded from employer, employee and the  organization, adopting the more common soft approach to human resource management shows development on the part of the industrial relations system. There is a need for industrial relations in society, but by adding more roles that may have diminished due to human resource manage, it ensures not only survival but the ability to survive in a society where west is viewed as better, and human resource management is the way of the west. References Ackers, Peter, and Adrian Wilkinson. Understanding work and employment: industrial relations in transition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. Bean, Ron. Comparative industrial relations: an introduction to cross-national perspectives. 2nd ed. London: International Thomson, 1999. Collings, David G., and Geoffrey T. Wood. Human resource management: a critical approach. London: Routledge, 2009. â€Å"Employment Relations and the Social Sciences.† Google Books. (accessed November 21, 2013). Mac Donald, David. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND GLOBALIZATION: CHALLENGES FOR EMPLOYERS AND THEIR ORGANIZATIONS . Asia-Pacific in the Twenty-First Century Turin, Italy: ILO Workshop on Employers’ Organizations, 1997.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Aztec and Inca Civilizations

I think the Aztecs were more impressive, in one of the captions I read that one of their squares was twice as large as the city of Salamanca surrounded by porticoes daily sixty thousand people are buying and selling all kinds of merchandise that the world has to offer embracing the necessaries things of life. In the same square there are some people who constantly go around watching sells and the measures used for sales these people have been known to go around and stop unfair deals or break the measures completely. The men and women who agree to be sacrificed are thrown to their backs, so they can be sacrificed to their gods and without uttering a word and remaining perfectly still while a priest comes over with a stone knife to cut their heart out. This is one of the things as to why I think the Aztecs were more impressive because of the discipline they had, even when they are having their heart cut out while they are still alive. The boys and girls were brought up differently with a few similarities. The differences for boys were they were expected to have more responsibilities such as growing to become fierce some brave and warriors, fishermen, farmers and craftsmen, like their fathers. The daughters were expected to follow their mothers and work indoors managing the house and raise the children. Something similar both boys and girls had in common was they were taught their responsibilities from a very young age, they were also expected to go to school for at least a little time between the ages ten and twenty, the school the rich or the gifted were able to attend was called calmecac, there was another school that most of the population attended who were not rich or considered gifted, which was called tepochcalli. Their (was little difference) in (Aztec religion and civil society. The tlacatecuhtli or â€Å"chief of men† controlled all the religious ceremonies) who (was also the military leader under the tlacatecuhtli were several religious and other offices which included military generals. Priests and priestesses were very important in society they acted as) scientists (and) doctors, and (taught science, art, music, dance, history, and counting. They also knew astronomy and astrology. They had to perform) very (difficult ceremonies). (Religion played an important part in Aztecs lives and was very complicated because they adopted many of the) aspects of the (people they conquered. They had three dominate gods: Huitzilopochtli, (â€Å"Hummingbird wizard† the native and) the (chief god of the tenochca, Huitzilopochtli was the war and sun god), Tezcatlipoca (â€Å"smoking mirror† chief god of the Aztecs in general) and Quetzalcoatl (â€Å"sovereign plumed serpent† widely worshipped throughout Mesoamerica and the god of civilization, priesthood and learning). Below these three gods were four creating gods who kept themselves from the human world. Under these were a large number of other gods, the most important) was (tlaloc, the rain god); chalihuitlicue, (the god of growth and Xipe, the â€Å"flayed one† a god connected with spring. The Aztecs worshipped about) one thousand (gods, but the sun god was the most important. Religious ceremonies were held in a temple called a teocalli. The temples had pools for ceremonial cleansing, gardens, living quarters for a priest, and racks to hold the skulls of victims. The most prominent part of Aztec religious life was the role of human sacrifice. It was practiced in all of Mesoamerica but the) tenochca (used sacrifice on a grand scale. We don’t know a great deal about the details, but we can successfully reconstruct its character and justification with a high level of accuracy).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Economies of scale and diminishing returns Essay

In Business Economics, the short run is defined as the concept that within a certain period of time, in the future, at least one input is fixed while others are variable and the long run is defined as a period of time in which all factors of production and costs are variable. The law of diminishing returns is a short run concept, which states that increasing successive units of a variable factor to a fixed factor will increase output but eventually the addition to output will start to slow down and would eventually become negative. This is because if capital is fixed, extra labour will eventually get in each other’s way as they attempt to increase production. E.g. think about the effectiveness of extra employees in a factory that’s maximum workers is 100. If the firm employs 150 workers, then the productivity will eventually decrease, as they will get in each other’s way etc. However, this law only applies in the short-term, as in the long run, all factors are va riable. As you can see from the graph above, the average fixed cost (AFC) curve falls as output increases due to the fact that fixed costs are a decreasing proportion of total cost as output increases. Both the average total cost (ATC) and the average variable cost (AVC) curves fall, and then rise again. The curves start to rise after a certain point because diminishing return takes place. The distance on the y-axis between the ATC and the AVC represents the value of the average fixed cost (AFC). Just like the average variable cost and average total cost curves demonstrate, the marginal cost also falls, and eventually rises again as diminishing marginal returns take place. Economies of scale, however, refer to the advantages that arise from large-scale production, which in turn results in a lower average unit cost (cost per unit). It explains the relationship between the long run average costs of producing a unit of good with increasing level of output. Unlike  diminishing returns, economies of scale is a process that operates and is caused by a development over a long period of time. Economies of scale also have many sources whereas diminishing returns is the relationship between output and only one input of production.There are two different forms of economies of scale that could occur in a firm. The first is internal economies of scale. This refers to the advantages that are caused as a result of the expanding and growth of a firm/business. Internal economies of scale can be additionally categorized into commercial, managerial, financial and technical economies of scale. Commercial economies of scale arise from the purchase of raw materials and the sale of finished goods. When the firm’s output increases, they order larger quantities of the raw materials (bulk buying) and therefore these raw material firms favour these businesses, and offer lower prices due to their ordering of higher quantities. Managerial economies of scale is a process that follows the principle of the division of labour and creates specialization due to the firm’s ability to employ specialized employees, and this causes an increase in production efficiency. A financial economy of scale is when a large firm benefits by getting better credit facilities e.g. credit at cheaper rates, being able to negotiate better finance deals etc. Finally, a technical economy of scale arises due to large-scale production because there is a technical advantage in the use of large machinery in the production process. Technical economies of scale will most likely arise due to machinery being used in the production process, which are more efficient than human labour, and also require less maintenance, training and do not require payment. External economies of scale refers to the advantages firms/businesses can get as a result of the growth of the entire industry as a whole. Usually, the industry grows due to an improvement in a specific area of the industry, such as an increase in the local’s skill and training, and improving in the training facilities themselves, which causes an increase in the quality of training for the future employees or an increase in the foreign supply of labour with a higher skillset that before.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Organizational Behavior and Culture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Organizational Behavior and Culture - Assignment Example ? astounding success was Sheets’ efforts to professionalize the business by, among other things, putting the movers in uniforms, having them carry business cards and training them in customer service. Setting up the training facility also gave both her employees and franchisees a chance to enrich their jobs through the acquisition of new skills and ways to conduct their businesses and these gave them ultimate competitive advantage. Having all done so, Sheets has fulfilled the esteem, belongingness, and even self-actualization needs of her staff and business partners which in turn motivated them to perform better either as individuals or as teams. Like Mary Ellen Sheets in Case 1, Klaus Kleinfeld of Siemens is motivated by the need to become a self-actualized individual. A global citizen, he embraces change and pulls his organization along with him. Through his unwavering commitment, Kleinfeld was able to show a conventional company and its employees what they can expect to gain from their added efforts and dynamic performance in the long run. The cross-functional teams he created likewise expanded business opportunities for Siemens with their concerted actions and cooperation which were unheard of in traditional business settings. Kleinfeld and his self-motivated teams are slowly but surely directing Siemens towards becoming globally competitive

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Forum on Supreme Court Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Forum on Supreme Court - Essay Example The opinion delivered by the justice that the sale of private property for private development fitted within the concept of public use which was under the frame of meaning of the taking clause, was full of flaws. The exercise of the â€Å"eminent domain† powers by any government entity was unsubstantiated. The opinion delivered neglected the interest of the common men as a whole. For the well being of the nation one hopes that such a case and such a Court will meet shortly providing a better means of solution protecting the interest of the common mass. It produced a series of legislative correction in any number of states perhaps even at federal level. The opinion delivered required highly a strike of a better, more reasonable, and fairer balance between the rights of the private property on one side and the power of â€Å"eminent domain† on the other (Delogu, 2006, pp. 46-48). In light of the above discussion we can conclude that the incident marked loss of the human interest in the combat against the framed jurisdiction. As a learning of the discussed example we all should make an attempt in our own ways to make an amendment of such laws which solely ignore the interest of the mass as a whole rather than striking a

Eco Fashion Trend Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Eco Fashion Trend - Research Paper Example The essay "Eco Fashion Trend" concerns the eco fashion. Brands and designers are focusing on reducing their carbon footprint by manufacturing products in a manner that is environmentally friendly and employs socially responsible techniques in the production process. Post recession, consumers of late have been focusing on vitalities, like their health and reconnecting with nature. Global catastrophes like Hurricanes and Tsunamis have further strengthened this â€Å"green† trend. The current study aims to bring out the essence of being socially responsible for organizations who share a major responsibility towards its customers and the economy. Not only the consumers, even the job seekers are looking out for organizations that adopt ethical means of business and display social responsibility to some extent in their business practices. Marks & Spencer is one such organization that prefers to go with the flow, but this study aims to explore the hidden areas that still remain untap ped by the firm inspite of putting up a rigorous effort in adapting to the needed eco changes in work culture. Marks and Spencer has for long met the need of its consumers through fashionable yet affordable clothing. It is a retail giant with massive global operations and manufacturing bases in countries like Bangladesh, India, China, etc. With stringent environment laws and greater awareness in the general public about manufacturing practices, it is an imperative need to lay emphasis on â€Å"Eco-Fashion†. The twin challenges are to create apparel.... Buzz words associated with â€Å"Eco-fashion† are organic, ethically manufactured, sustainable, eco-friendly, Fair trade, reusable, recyclable, etc. Although fashion and environmental concerns appear to be at loggerheads as the former implies products with a short life span whilst the other lays stress on reusability, sustainability and durability, yet the pointers towards sustainable fashion are too strong to ignore (Berry B, 2007). The rapidly growing size of the organic market presents an interesting opportunity for Marks and Spencer. Fashion magazines like Vogue, Elle and Vanity Fair have carried eco-fashion articles to support and underline this trend and the commercial appeal it present. Marks and Spencer already supports the fair trade practices and has launched organic clothing lines (Bayani M O, 2010). Even, mass retailers like Wal-Mart have joined the bandwagon by introducing such collections albeit on a smaller scale. On the whole, fashion retailers have as of now f ailed to cash in or eco-consumerism. The quest to achieve environmental, social as well as commercial obligations is a very tricky one. The fashion industry as a whole has been focused on the manufacturing and supply side rather than on the consumer’s side. This presents a tremendous opportunity to M & S as it entails making fashionable and affordable products using environmental friendly materials and techniques as well as championing the social cause. There are various factors that support this proposed strategy, U Stringent environment laws U Reduction in carbon footprint U Championing the cause of social responsibility U Greater consumer awareness U Means to achieve

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Participation 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Participation 2 - Essay Example Outlines set the whole process and indicate whether the essay is complete or not. Outlines are a roadmap for the cohesive, constructive and concise progression of the topic (read thesis statement) that writer wants to stress upon. Freehand essay writing means doing a construction of a building just to break and alter it again and again realizing that it has not shaped as per the original idea. Outlines are clear reflections of writer’s idea. They draw a clear picture in the mind as to how one wants to progress with the given topic. Though ideas are in mind but outlines are laid down on a piece of paper. It is always easy and less exhausting to make changes on outlines in the beginning itself – before finishing on a draft of paper. When the essay emerges following precise and clear outlines, it is an indication that nothing is omitted in preparing the essay. That is a measure of its completeness and such essay is likely to create a lasting impact and inquisitiveness in t he minds of readers. Reference How to Write an Essay, online from [Accessed on 6/25/2011]

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Nursing Care Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nursing Care Plan - Assignment Example The patient is left to recuperate and few visits by close relatives are allowed in the first few days. A nurse is close at hand to administer medicines and monitor BP and pulse rates, and for any other emergency needs. The condition of the patient is stable. The surgery has been successful. Muscle strength reduces considerably during the first few days post-operation. Enteral feeding was resorted to as the patient is aged and relatively weak as a result of her advanced years (Watters, J.M. et al). Self care is not possible due to the surgery. All cleaning and other hygiene based activities have to be carried out with the help of nurses. Self care deficit may also result due to inabilities related to muscular impairment, energy deficit, pain, anxiety, and decreased motivation (Nursing Diagnosis). The client is not in position to administer self-care. All post-operative care must be carried out by nurses. The patient is weak and immobile due to surgery. There is no way the patient can be expected to move or make attempts to move during the first few days post-operation. The nature of the surgery on the patient's femur which is central part of the functions of the human body makes it well nigh impossible for the patient to attempt movement during the first few days of the surgery. All activities connected to the patient's movement must... The nature of the surgery on the patient's femur which is central part of the functions of the human body makes it well nigh impossible for the patient to attempt movement during the first few days of the surgery. Interventions All activities connected to the patient's movement must be coordinated with the assistance of nurses. The patient is totally dependent on nurses to help with any movement activity because of the surgery and also because she is advanced in years. The patient may be gently coaxed to some movement involving her hands. The movement of hands and face will help provide some relief from the overall restrictions in mobility. Evaluate Constant follow up with the patient's temperature, BP, pulse rate, medication, and other organic symptoms such as functions of the heart, liver, intestines, etc. is necessary in order to ensure speedy recovery. The patient is not suffering from any disorder other than the surgery involving her femur. Her BP is, however, high and it is obvious that it was under control during surgery and is kept under control post-operation. Impaired Skin Integrity Plan Periodical cleaning of the skin with antiseptic is necessary to ensure patient is hygienically in good shape. Advanced age coupled with surgery raises the risk of skin impairment. There must be good plan in place to keep the immediate surroundings clean. The clothes and dressing of the patient must be changed are regular intervals. Client Outcome The treatment following the days after the surgery is critical to ensure fast recovery. The client is almost cent percent dependent on nurses to do all post-operative care including those required for prevention against skin breakdown. Change of bed sheet, pillow covers, etc. must be carried

Monday, September 23, 2019

Thermochemistry Hess' law Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Thermochemistry Hess' law - Lab Report Example Thermochemistry, which is a branch of thermodynamics deals with the assessment of heat energy transfer linked with chemical reactions in the lab. Learning about these heat energy transfer linked with three different chemical reactions is important for testing Hess’s law which states that: â€Å"The enthalpy change for any reaction depends on the products and reactants and is independent of the pathway or the number of steps between the reactant and product† (Regger et al 189). The knowledge obtained from this experiment is intrinsic for the chemists who usually keep track of the changes witnessed in the chemical bonds when carrying out ta chemical reaction. 200 ml of distilled water was put in the Styrofoam calorimeter followed by stirring with a thermometer. The reading in the thermometer was monitored up to the point when constant temperature was reached. 2 grams of sodium hydroxide was placed into the water and stirred with the thermometer until the highest temperature was reached. 200 ml of 0.25 ml of hydrochloric acid was placed in Styrofoam and stirred with a thermometer to ensure a constant temperature was reached. 2 grams of sodium hydroxide was placed into the hydrochloric acid and stirred with the thermometer until the highest temperature was reached. 100 ml of 0.50 M of hydrochloric acid solution was put into calorimeter while 100 ml of 0.5 M sodium hydroxide was placed in a 250 ml beaker, at room temperature. The temperature and volumes for each was measured. The sodium hydroxide solution was then added into the Styrofoam cup containing the solution of hydrochloric acid. The mixture was stirred with the thermometer until the highest temperature was reached. According to the result obtained from the experiment, Hess’ law â€Å"The enthalpy change for any reaction depends on the products and reactants and is independent of the pathway or the number of steps between the reactant and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Growth Mindset Essay Example for Free

Growth Mindset Essay Asking Effective Questions Problem Solving Approach in mathematics classroom because it engages student in inquiry, prompting them to build on and improve their current knowledge as they â€Å"construct† explanations and help them solve tasks at hand. In a â€Å"Constructivist classroom† students are seen as the ones who are actively creating their own knowledge†. This is done through questioning to h I need respect, motivation, encouragement, determination, to have confidence in your students. 8 Tips for Effective Questioning 1. Anticipate Student Thinking (plan the possible questions to stimulate thinking and deepen student understanding 2. Link to Learning Goals 3. Pose open ended questions 0 help build students’ self-confidence, help them respond at their own stage of development and allow for differentiation Invitational stems that use plural forms and exploratory language invite reflection. Huinker and Freckman (2004, p. 256) suggest the following examples: As you think about Given what you know about In regard to the decisions you made From previous work with students When you think about..As you consider In what ways In your planning Take a minute. 4. Pose Questions that actually need to be answered 5. Incorporate verbs that elicit higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs such as connect, elaborate, evaluate and justify prompt students to communi- cate their thinking and understanding, to deepen their understanding and to extend their learning. Huinker and Freckman (2004, p. 256) provide a list of verbs that elicit specific cognitive processes to engage thinking: observe notice remember contrast interpret evaluate summarize visualize (â€Å"see†) differ distinguish decide identify compare predict explain conclude infer relate consider describe 6. Pose Questions that Open up conversations to include others. 7. Keep Questions Neutral 8. Provide Wait Time (use strategies such as turn and talk, think-pair-share and round robin to give students time to articulate and clarify their thinking Ms Hastings does use different Instructional Strategies. She builds strong relationships with her students, set high expectations for performance and has a good understanding of their needs to reach success in her classroom. Ms Hastings first has a strong belief in the â€Å"Growth Mindset† by setting high expectations and showing student they can learn as opposed to the belief of â€Å"either you are good at math or not†. Teacher shows students how they can succeed and achieve through â€Å"application and experience†. Their words and actions make it clear that the past does not dictate the future. If a teacher promotes the â€Å"growth mind-set†, they can focus students on â€Å"self-development, self-motivation and responsibility† and help them develop the mental determination to continue to improve. She clearly sets objectives and provides feedback to her students to help them progress. By reinforcing effort and providing recognition, students believe they can succeed. These strategies all provide students with the belief that they can positively affect their learning She also uses various strategies to promote thinking and learning in the classroom. She uses cooperative learning, uses effective questioning and graphic organizers. She uses team building exercises and forms a base group, in which they learn and work together for the semester. In reading the Capacity Building Monograph in â€Å"Asking Effective Questions in Mathematics† in showed how you can change Learning to becoming something you get for a short time to permananence and building a deeper understanding. In Ms. Hastings class, the 8 tips provided in this monograph are great strategies being used in Ms. Hastings class. One of the most important influences in student achievement is the relationship between teacher and students (Hattlie, 2009). By Ms. Hastings telling success stories this provides encouragement to her students. Ms. Hastings class is preparing her students with the skills of the â€Å"21st Century Learner†. She is doing this by helping her students set personal learning goals, self-assessment for understanding, therefore, making learning permanent, accessing tools and resources for enhancing their understanding and using their learning in rich meaningful tasks in real-world contexts. These students will learn problem-solving, critical thinking and using their prior knowledge and skills to apply them to new situations. Two challenges faced by adolescents is the belief they are not good at math, therefore, find it challenging and are less engaged in math class. The second challenge is to make math learning become permanent through student engagement. This means using Instructional Strategies to ensure students are engaged in their own learning and self-assessment. One of the challenges faced by adolescents is the belief they are â€Å"not good at math†. This may be imparted by their parents belief they were not good at mathematics and do not ask more from their children. There needs to be a shift from this belief from all adults involved. They must recognize and affirm the importance of mathematical literacy for all. In the Ministry’s Numeracy Report (2004), students need the â€Å"ability to deal with the  fundamental notions of number and change in order to make sense of mathematical information presented in everyday contexts† (Paulos, 1988, pg.). Mathematical literacy in important for both employment and post-secondary admissions. Therefore, as teachers, we need to take advantage of the abundant opportunities for fostering mathematical literacy across the curriculum. As with Ms. Hastings, has a strong belief in the â€Å"Growth Mindset† by setting high expectations and showing student they can learn as opposed to the belief of â€Å"either you are good at math or not†. Teacher shows students how they can succeed and achieve through â€Å"application and experience†. Their words and actions make it clear that the past does not dictate the future. If a teacher promotes the â€Å"growth mind-set†, they can focus students on â€Å"self-development, self-motivation and responsibility† and help them develop the mental determination to continue to improve. She clearly sets objectives and provides feedback to her students to help them progress. By reinforcing effort and providing recognition, students believe they can succeed. These strategies all provide students with the belief that they can positively affect their learning She also uses various strategies to promote thinking and learning in the classroom. She uses cooperative learning, uses effective questioning and graphic organizers. She uses teambuilding exercises and forms a base group, in which they learn and work together for the semester. The second challenge faced by adolescent if to ensure their learning has â€Å"permanence†. This is done through strong conceptual foundations in math and ample opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge. I also believe that as teachers we need to use effective instructional strategies to emphasize student ability to think, use problem-solving skills and build on prior knowledge. Ms. Hastings uses various strategies to promote thinking and learning in the classroom. She uses cooperative learning, uses effective questioning and graphic organizers. She uses team building exercises and forms a base group, in which they learn and work together for the semester. In reading the Capacity Building Monograph in â€Å"Asking Effective Questions in Mathematics† in showed how you can change Learning to becoming something you get for a short time to permanence and building a deeper understanding. In Ms. Hastings class, the 8 tips provided in this monograph are great strategies being used in Ms. Hastings class. One of the most important influences in student achievement is the relationship between teacher and students (Hattlie, 2009). By Ms. Hastings telling success stories this provides encouragement to her students. Ms. Hastings class is preparing her students with the skills of the â€Å"21st Century Learner†. She is doing this by helping her students set personal learning goals, self-assessment for understanding, therefore, making learning permanent, accessing tools and resources for enhancing their understanding and using their learning in rich meaningful tasks in real-world contexts. These students will learn problem-solving, critical thinking and using their prior knowledge and skills to apply them to new situations. To be able to prepare our students as 21st Century Learners, we need to increase our math competence through professional learning to be more effective. The Expert Panels Report on Student Success in Ontario Mathematical Literacy, Grades 7-12 (May 2004) looked at at-risk mathematical learners and came up with a number of themes: Effective teaching and learning begins with the needs to the adolescent learners and have a good understanding of their development stages Connect the learning in math to the lives of the students (having rich meaningful tasks that connect to real-life contexts) Ensuring they have a strong conceptual foundations to be able to apply their knowledge and continue their learning Instructional learning strategies empahisize problem solving and building and one’s own understandings To improve students’ performance, teachers need to link instruction more closely to assessment More professional learning opportunities for teachers to strengthen their competence in math Technology to support learning and have more accessibility to students who are struggling in math Also extra support for  Ã¢â‚¬Å"at risk† students to close the gap Strong leadership and strong planning to create an effective learning environment in which all the needs of the students are met and success is promoted. 2. Changing Climate – Transforming Classroom Culture Dan Myer Inquiry Based Learning Being interest in students thinking How my teachers see them in a sincere way and shed the idea of controlling the process Bring the student who are not strong in the foundations Gains in achievement – multimedia helped students who are identified at risk or LD Teach as we are taught, memorization, calculations, learning formulas, doing math and debrief M.J. Hobbs Senior P.S. –DI 7-8 Differentiated Instruction and problem solving by group readiness Individual Accountability in group work Create a positive work environment Group work looks like, sounds like anchor charts with clear understanding of expectations Participate in work that is engaging and challenging Centennial S.S. HPEDSB Differentiating Instruction Secondary Think-Pair-Share Mathematical Questions Justify using mathematical vocabulary Learning Centres give students choice, work collaboratively and related to hands on materials and manipulatives’ based on their strengths (observe the kids first to see how they are learning Use the entry point depending on their strengths and how they learn to work towards the curriculum expectations Use of different strategies and connect using different means to demonstrate their learning Data given for Problem Solving Exit cards to demonstrate learning in a differentiated environment to take responsibility on teaching the students how they learn DI planning for kids based on grouping on kids strengths and needs.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Lays A Potato Chips And Company Marketing Essay

Lays A Potato Chips And Company Marketing Essay Lays established in India in 1965 and introduces international and Indian flavours in Indian market.Lays introduces pure vegetarian flavours in Indian market.The most famous flvours are Lays Spanish Tango,Classic Salted,Lime , Indias Massala Masti,American style Cream and Onion and Indian Magic Massal( According to Business dictionary SWOT analysis is a situation analysis of an organization to find out internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and strength of company to make a strategy. Lays is a multinational company who has strong distribution network. Its easily available to everywhere. Although Lays has a strong distribution network, they are trying to expand their network in all areas of the country. Lays has a strong brand value itself but there are some differential advantage which makes Lays above then its competitors and that advantage is Pepsico.Lays is a brand of Pepsico company who has strong reputation in the world.Frito-Lay sales forces enjoys excellent reputation over its competitors(Marketing Management,p325) Market sementation means division of a market into different segments of buyers with different wants and behaviours,wo wants different products or marketing mix.The companies used different methods to segment the market and develops profiles for those segments.(Principles of Marketing 4th European Edition,P 391)